Thursday, January 10, 2019

This App Will Allow Your Parents To Lock Your Phone If You Ignore Them

You might be coming across a lot of jokes and memes about missing calls from home and them freaking out. TBH, they’re too funny and totally relatable. But guess who is going to have the last laugh now? Our parents, gaiz! A frustrated father recently developed an app which will allow our parents to lock your phone if we ignore them. It can only be unlocked if we call our parents (read surrender). The news of this app has recently started doing rounds on the internet and freaking the living hell out of everybody. Except for the parents, who are all reading this with a grin on their face.

Now that this war is upon us, we need to get to the depth of it to win it. So, first things first, for this app to work it has to be downloaded onto both kids’ and parents’ devices. If the lock is activated by your parents, your phone will block calls, texts, internet, and games too. In simple words, turn it into a dummy phone. The only option available for you will be to call any of the pre-approved contacts, which is, your parents’. But the good news is, it is only available for Android devices, AS OF NOW! So the iPhone users can relax, AS OF NOW!

Even though this may sound like a disaster, we should keep faith in the many tech-savvy detectives to find a loophole in this and save our lives. How do you feel about this app? Let us know in the comments below.

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The post This App Will Allow Your Parents To Lock Your Phone If You Ignore Them is copyright of MissMalini.

by Suruchi Patwary via MissMalini

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