Let's take a break today from the regular beautiful women I've been profiling here to address another topic.
Save the Dollhouse!
Yes I have watched Dollhouse since the beginning.
Okay, it does have Eliza Dushku in it, and I'll watch just about anything Eliza is in.
And it's written and directed by Joss Whedon, and since I loved Buffy, Angel and Firefly, I watched it for that too.
And yes, at first I wasn't impressed.
BUT, unlike most shows that debut strong and getting weaker story wise, Dollhouse began fairly weak and got stronger as it moved along.
A LOT stronger.
They started throwing plot twists at neck breaking speed.
Some in your face, some subtle.
And minor characters began to really develop.
I think this show needs more time.
Give it another season and Fox might have another Buffy on it's hands.
The internet following is quite loyal and vocal .
So if you want to do your part to save the Dollhouse, go on Twitter and join the Save The Doll House movement.
The one I did was this one: