Another one of the beautiful women on Eureka is Deputy Josefina "Jo" Lupo played by the lovely Erica Cerra.
Jo is awesome.
One of the best female butt kickers on TV at the moment, and always ready to fight.
She is well versed in hand to hand combat (scoffing at Rangers) and virtually every form of hand held weapon from Glocks and Colts to Eureka's own experimental weaponry.
Jo has a softer side she rarely lets show, and she is deeply loyal to her friends.
The lady behind Jo is Canadian actress Erica Cerra/
Erica was born on Halloween (how cool is that?) 1979.
Besides Eureka she has appeared in Dead Like Me, The Collector, Dead Zone, Blade Trinity, The L Word, Battlestar Galactica, Reaper and she will be playing Hera is the upcoming film Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.
Posted by Sabre to on July 29th, 2009.