I guess I was too slow doing the entries huh?
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a science fiction television series that aired on Fox, but it's canceled now.
So lets do everything in one fell swoop.
First up, Sarah Conner herself, Lena Headey.
Lena got the role by beating over 300 other actresses.
Not physically, you know, in auditions.
It seems everyone's main problem with the TV Sarah Conner was that she wasn't the lean, muscular, ripped fighting machine that Linda Hamilton was in T2.
Next, Summer Glau as Cameron. I don't think anyone really had a problem with the unknown model Terminator.
Summer of course had a big science fiction fan base going in because of her portrayal of "River" in Firefly.
Leven Rambin as Riley Dawson. I don't know about you, but to me Riley had "doomed" stamped on her forehead when she showed up. For some reason I knew things for her would not go well.
Stephanie Jacobsen as Jesse Flores, the beautiful, deadly and possibly psychotic Australian resistance sailor.
Shirley Manson as Catherine Weaver. Yes the liquid metal T-1001 Terminator was also the lead singer of Garbage.
Not on the show mind you, but how cool would that have been?
So with this much beauty on the show, how did it fail?
Yeah I know it had plot holes.
Some of the ones that spring to mind are:
Cameron was a High School Student.
Why didn't she set off the metal detectors in the school?
If you know the Terminators are almost indestructible killing machines, why carry 9mms?
You know, little things like that.
If given time, it might have turned into a really good show.
But Fox doesn't give a lot of time.
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