Britney's Circus Tour has hit a few snags so far, but what do you expect?
This is her first tour in five years.
Yeah some things are going to go wrong.
Like the incident at an April show in Vancouver, Canada, when Britney shut everything down for half an hour because of smoke.
And in March, when two of Spears' roadies got busted in Pittsburgh.
And in Tampa when Brit experienced a wardrobe malfunction.
Then there was the little incident with one of her back up dancers.
And now a fan, Kyle King, leaps up on stage with Britney, and is promptly nailed by security (well... a back up dancer actually), hauled off and cited with a single breach of peace.
Like everything else in the world, a clip of the incident has made it to YouTube
To her credit, I don't think Brit freaked out like the reports said, she was stunned of course, who wouldn't be?
If Beyonce was on stage and a guy just walked up, wouldn't she be a tad shocked?
I guess these tour things don't grab my attention like everyone else since I grew up on Motley Crue and Van Halen.
Heck, the guy walking up on stage wouldn't have phased Vince Neil back in the day.
He would have clocked him without missing a beat, or invited him for a duet.