The human body is designed in a very intricate way. In fact, every single body is unique and reacts differently to different things. Whether it’s the climate, what you apply on your body or even what you eat, can all react differently depending from the body to body. However, studies have shown that there are many foods we’ve been eating together that are actually unhealthy as combinations. Here are a few of them:
1. Spinach And Tomatoes

Both these foods are loaded with oxalate that forms calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys. So, avoid eating these together.
2. Fruit And Yoghurt

The bacteria present in yoghurt can react with the sugar in the fruits or berries which in turn can cause a cold or allergies.
3. Brinjal And Curd

We love the classic baingan ka bharta with raita, no? According to Ayurveda, this combination should be avoided because the enzymes in curd mixed with brinjal can cause digestive problems.
4. Banana And Milk

Milk and bananas are very heavy on the stomach. It slows digestion so if you still want to have a banana milkshake, make sure you add nutmeg or cardamom to the mixture to speed it up.
5. Tomatoes And Bread/Pasta

Tomatoes are acidic and mixing them with carb-heavy foods like bread or pasta can exhaust the digestive system as it will take a long time for the body to digest this combination. Avoid eating these together.
We’ve all been eating at least a few of these combinations together. But, no more! Make sure to avoid consuming these at the same time as it could affect your body in the long run.
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The post 5 Food Pairings That You Didn’t Know Were Harmful For You is copyright of MissMalini.
by Karishma Govil via MissMalini
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