Warren Beatty wants Lindsay Lohan.
And not in a bad way.
Rumor has it that Warren has a movie that he wants to direct and star in, and he wants Lindsay to play his daughter.
This would be an incredible break for Lindsay, who people still refer to as the "Mean Girls" star.
Mean Girls came out in 2004.
BUT, there is a catch.
For Warren to use her in the movie, she'll have to stay on his estate in one of the guest houses.
See? Warren isnt dumb. He knows her rep and seems to be more than willing to give her a shot as long as she behaves.
Now we wait for Lindsay to move in, Samantha Ronson to come over, a loud brawl ensues and Warren has to call security to control the situation.
Wait a minute, we're talking about Warren Beatty here.
HE will walk down there and control the situation!
If Lindsay is gonna get a mentor, she could do a lot worse than him.
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