Friday, January 4, 2019

An Easy & Efficient Guide To Skincare For Beginners

Skin care is essential for everyone. Whether you want amazing skin to look your best or simply to be healthier, it is imperative to have a simple skincare routine that you can do on a daily basis. A skincare routine should ideally not consist of too many products, as that can cause more harm than good. If you are confused about what exactly a skincare routine must consist of or what the steps in it are, keep reading!

1. Cleanser

The first step of any skincare routine is to wash your face with a cleanser to get rid of all the dirt and impurities that may be sitting on your skin. Your cleanser must be compatible with your skin type. So, if you have sensitive skin, a fragrance-free and gentle cleanser would be suitable.

2. Toner

There are different types of toners for different skin types. They are often skipped in skin care routines. However, they work wonders for people who have acne-prone skin by balancing the pH of the skin. But if your skin doesn’t require a toner, you can go ahead and skip this step.

3. Serum

Serums are highly concentrated and are infused with ingredients that your skin will love. They are an important part of any skincare routine and are applied during the early stages of the routine so that our skin can absorb it better.

4. Eye Cream

Eye creams are a must have for all young adults. Applying an eye cream every night is key to keeping your under eyes smooth and wrinkle-free. As our under eye skin is thinner than our normal skin, it requires some special TLC. Look for eye creams that have vitamin C and vitamin E as they fight the appearance of dark circles and puffiness.

5. Moisturiser

Many people believe that if you already use a serum, you don’t need to use a moisturiser. However, this is not true. Serums may have some moisturising qualities but are in no comparison to actual moisturisers that have a richer texture. Moisturising is essential for everyone, even for those who have oily skin. Oily-skinned beauties need a moisturiser that has oil-controlling properties and can hydrate the skin well too.

6. Facial Oils

Facial oils have been all over Instagram recently and are even being used as a primer before applying makeup. They are incredibly hyped up, but rightly so. A good facial oil can do wonders for the skin. A moisturiser and oil are both equally important as a balance between the two is what makes our skin look great.

7. Sunscreen

Never, ever skip your SPF! Most people don’t take this step seriously enough and end up suffering from wrinkles, saggy skin, and pigmentation. Whether you live in a tropical country or in a cold country, SPF is necessary.

Skin care doesn’t happen in a day and it usually takes at least a month to see some results. So, don’t feel discouraged if your routine doesn’t give you instant results. Patience is crucial for achieving flawless skin.

We hope that this simple skin care routine will help your skin become brighter, smoother and clearer.

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The post An Easy & Efficient Guide To Skincare For Beginners is copyright of MissMalini.

by Team Interns via MissMalini

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